St Monica Primary School

School Uniform


For a sense of belonging and being part of our St Monica family the expectation is for all children to wear our school uniform. Before we list our school uniform items below - Here is a short video from some of our EYFS pupils:



Our uniform consists of the following items:

  • Grey or black - trousers, skirt or pinafore dress (no jeans or jogging bottoms)
  • White - blouse, shirt or polo shirt
  • Blue – jumper, cardigan, fleece or sweatshirt (with or without school logo) for pupils going in to EYFS in September 2022. Years 1 - 6 pupils are expected to have the new school jumper for the start of September 2023.








  • Black school shoes 
  • Blue gingham/striped dress for the spring/summer months (optional) (pupils in Years 1 - 6 can wear a red gingham/striped dress until July 2023)
  • Grey or black shorts for the spring/summer months (optional)



Jewellery is not allowed in school. Small stud earrings are accepted (but not on days when they are swimming) and if an item has to be worn for religious considerations it should be taped over for safety reasons during P.E.

All items and personal possessions including, watches and jewellery are the sole responsibility of the individual child. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to any items.





PE Kit

Physical Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

In the interests of health and safety all pupils must change into P.E. Kit for Physical Education lessons. 

  • T-Shirt - red/green/blue/yellow/black/white*
  • Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Suitable footwear - plimsolls or trainers.


During winter, we ask that pupils bring to school a sports fleece/jumper, t-shirt and jogging bottoms/leggings, so they can partake in PE outside.

Pre-Loved School Uniform

 During the academic year our PTA provide pre-loved uniform sales, these
 are advertised via social media and our Arbor Parent Mail system. You can also speak 
 with your child's class teacher or the office if you have any queries relating to uniform.
