St Monica Primary School

Music Skills Progression

 - Year 1/2


                                  Year 1/2


Pupils understand that different instruments are used to provide different sounds and for different effects. They recognise different genres key features and their impact.


  • Join in with group singing, building a repertoire of songs.
  • Use chants and rhymes to build rhythmic capability.
  • Sing unison songs with control and simple rounds with an awareness of how the part should fit
  • Sing with increasing awareness of pitch, demonstrating the shape of the melody


  • Can hold and play a range of percussion instruments 
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments experimenting with sounds, timbre and melody
  • Perform using simple graphic notation
  • Can play simple patterns on untuned percussion instruments with increasing control
  • Can play simple patterns on tuned percussion instruments with increasing control.
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments with a sense of tempo and dynamics 
  • Perform using graphic scores and other simple notations


Body, voice, tuned/


  • Experiment with tuned and untuned instruments   
  • Experiment with tuned and untuned instruments, improvising with a theme in mind.  


  • Create and choose sounds in response to given starting points
  •  Create simple representations and short pieces using tuned and untuned percussion.
  • Use simple symbols to represent sounds  



  • Create short sequences of sound in response to given starting point
  • Create simple soundscapes for intended effect
  • Use simple symbols to represent sounds   




  • Listens to a range of live and recorded pieces identifying key instruments.
  • Identify changes in music and respond with movement
  • Listens to own performances providing simple constructive comments.
  • Listens to a range of high-quality live and recorded music identifying changes in pitch and tempo, leading to understanding the effect of these changes on the piece itself.
  • Listens to their own compositions and that of others and suggests improvements


- Year 3 & Year 4


              Year 3

            Year 4


Pupils understand the ways that sounds can be combined and used expressively. They recognise how the different musical elements are combined and make improvements to their work, commenting on the intended effect


Maintain parts with support in songs, rounds and part songs

Confidently sing a variety of songs from different genres with accuracy of pitch


Maintain part in more difficult songs/part songs

Confidently and fluently sing in tune with clear diction, breath control and tone.



Pupils can perform confidently, both on their own and as part of a group, with an understanding of how their part fits with others

Understand the effect of rhythm, pitch and dynamics

Pupils can perform from basic notation, reading rhythms confidently



Pupils can play using a range of tuned and untuned percussion, showing good rhythmic and melodic control 

demonstrate correct techniques when playing melodic and rhythmic patterns with expression OWN INSTRUMENT

Pupils can read from basic western notation, with a growing awareness of pitch


Body, voice, tuned/


Experiment with tuned and untuned instruments, improvising using rhythms and melody

Create and refine musical improvisations using more complex rhythms and melody


Communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings through simple musical compositions

Create layered compositions and soundscapes using simple rhythmic patterns and melodies

Use musical symbols and notation to record and create compositions 

Create melodic and  rhythmic patterns, melodies using voice, instruments and technology

Create layers of sound within musical structures, showing an understanding of how sounds fit together

Use musical symbols and notation to record and create compositions


Listen and respond to own and others work offering and accepting feedback and suggestions.  

Listen to a range of live and recorded music from different traditions, genres, styles and times, responding appropriately to the context.


Aurally identify, recognise and respond to standard and invented composition.

 Offer comments from own and others work and ways to improve, accept feedback and suggestions from others. 

Listen to a range of live and recorded music from different traditions, genres, styles and times, responding appropriately to the context. 


- Year 5 & Year 6


Year 5

Year 6


Pupils understand the overall effect of playing with others.  They can understand, explain and compile ideas when performing. Ideas are refined by listening and musical preferences or changes in the composition are justified


Sing part songs and simple harmony lines with an awareness of how the part fits with others

Sing with increasing understanding of expression

Sing complex songs including simple harmonies parts with expression, clear diction and accurate pitching

Sing confidently with awareness of breathing, posture and sound projection.


Confidently perform a piece of music as a group, using a range of different instruments, including those learnt outside the classroom

Performances show a clear awareness of expression and balance

Pupils can read and perform from a range of different notations

Maintain own or independent part where appropriate within a group performance.

Pupils can play confidently demonstrating musical quality eg clear starts and ends, phrases, technical accuracy.

Pupils can read and perform from a range of different notations

Confidently perform a piece of music as a group, using a range of different instruments


Body, voice, tuned/


Create and refine musical improvisations with awareness of musical structure  

Create and refine melodic and rhythmic musical improvisations in a variety of styles and genres


Create music which demonstrates  an understanding of structure  Beatles

Select, discuss and refine creative choices

Use different notations to record and create

Explore, select, combine and manipulate a range of different sounds, including technological to create stylised compositions.  

 Compose rhythmic and melodic ideas within clear structures

Use different kinds of notations to record and create

Create music which demonstrates understanding of structure


Critique own and other’s work offering specific comments, eg explaining the effects of different musical elements and justify opinions

Listen to a range of live and recorded music from different traditions, genres, styles and times, responding appropriately to the context. 


Listen and evaluate a range of live and recorded music from different traditions, genres, styles and times, responding appropriately to the context. 

Share ideas about own and others music  and be willing to justify those

Critique own and others’ work, offering specific comments and justifying these.

